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AnnMarie is a lover of Jesus, People, and Chai.

Her Story

An English teacher, Author, Singer, and Speaker, Annmarie currently lives in Newcastle, Australia with her husband and two children. Through her own battle with an incurable disease, depression, and the loss of multiple family members in succession, AnnMarie discovered that hope and faith forged during these difficult times can be shared to inspire others.

She is still a Hope Hunter, Joy Seeker, and Dream Chaser, continually searching for answers to life’s big questions that God has left hiding for us in plain sight. Come on the journey with her as AnnMarie helps you find hope in hard places and navigate Life’s Valley Seasons with confidence, courage, and faith.


Poem by AnnMarie Skinner

What if we are part of the solution?
What if we are the torch bearers
Beater of drums
Parter of waters
Lighter of flames
clarity in the mayhem
A Way in the darkness
Courage in the battle
bringers of hope
Oxygen to the breathless
Faith to the faithless
Unlocker of mysteries
The calm in the storm
The pause in the chaos
The light in dark spaces
An opener of doors
Repairer of broken walls
Healing for the fallen
Love for the unlovely
A second chance where there was none
And hope when all seems lost.

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